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TianHong Wang
TianHong Wang
Wang Tian Hong, from China
Underwater Photographer / Getty Imsges contract photographer/ EPNF contract photographer/ EPNF Image public welfare ambassador / lecturer /
She has been photographing underwater since 2015. In this short time, she has created remarkable images. Especially in macro-photography, she has opened up to new forms of emotional expression.
It is a challenge for her to expand the boundaries of traditional macro-photography – to achieve more than only a biological documentation,
she describes her work, saying, In trying to depict the soul of the animals and their history, she create a mood that animates the viewer to immerse into their wonderful world. To achieve this, She invest a lot of time in the quest for extraordinary motifs and their composition to enhance the eff ect of an image.
It is her desire to show the beauty of the underwater world, to promote interest and to increase respect for life in the sea
王天虹 水下摄影师 / Getty Images签约摄影师 / 自媒体人
/ EPNF签约摄影师/ EPNF影像公益大使 / 讲师
对她来说,扩大传统微距摄影的界限是一项挑战 ,不仅仅是水下生物形态简单记录,她试图描绘微距生物的灵魂和它们的故事,从而创造一种情绪,让观众沉浸在它们美好世界的动画中,为了达到这个目的,她花费了大量的时间来寻求非凡的主题和独特的构图,以增强作品的视觉效果