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Nicholas Cheung
Nicholas Cheung

Nicholas Cheung ,香港水底攝影師,CMAS潛水教練。攝影作品對Nicholas Cheung來說最能呈現他對「美」的理解,
作為教育工作者及潛水教練的他更希望透過更多水攝作品讓社會大眾更認識迷人的海洋世界。Nicholas Cheung 水攝作品題材多様
,作品見於各大媒體,於2017年更有幸奪得 ADEX 亞洲潛水展(北京站)攝影比賽“Best of the Show”大獎。?
Nicholas Cheung , Hong Kong Underwater Photographer, CMAS diving instructor. Being the photographer for more than 10 years ,
beauty is the main objective in Nicholas's photography. In 2012, he start diving, 2013 he start underwater photography.
As a teacher and diving instructor , he aim to promote the beauty of ocean to public through his photos. Nicholas’s
photos are in variety topics and founded in different media. In 2017, he won the “Best of the show” in ADEX Beijing China VOO contest.